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Society ignores the oil crunch at its peril

"Warnings of a crash in oil production are no longer limited to a prescient few individuals - major British companies and oil CEOs are now sounding the alert"

Category: Energy sources


Time to think small on climate change

"Copenhagen's failure to deliver a legally binding deal has created an opportunity for individuals to fill the void left by politicians, says Sir David King. In this week's Green Room, he explains how small-scale projects can...


Battle over climate data turned into war between scientists and sceptics

"Whether it was democracy in action, or defence against malicious attempts to disrupt research, climate scientists were driven to siege mentality by persistence of sceptics"

Category: Climate Change


Can battlefield robots take the place of soldiers?

"Can war be fought by lots of well-behaved machines, making it "safer for humans"? That is the seductive vision, and hope, of those manufacturing and researching the future of military robotics."

Category: Weapons, Robotics


Does safer flying mean a risk of radiation?

"Do the new body scanners at airports expose travellers to excessive radiation?"

Category: Radiation, Transport

Displaying results 771 to 775 out of 2977